

Hyperventilation may come in many forms, with many of the diseases we face nowadays are related to our breathing. As humans, we now breathe faster and take bigger breaths than we used to. Chronic Hyperventilation lowers your carbon dioxide levels in the blood and causes inefficient oxygen delivery to your tissues. Lower CO2 levels results in smooth muscle contraction causing narrowing of blood vessels and of airways. This, in turn, causes poor circulation and breathing difficulties. This over-breathing results in the development of health conditions such as asthma and hay fever, chronic fatigue syndrome, anxiety and stress, snoring and sleep apnoea.

Hyperventilation Self-Check

These are typical signs of hyperventilation or over-breathing. If you agree with one or more, you may want to consider having your breathing assessed.

  • Do you breathe in and/or out through your mouth?

  • Do you feel like you can’t get enough air or a big enough breath?

  • Do you sigh habitually? 

  • Is your breathing audible awake or asleep?

  • Do you experience heart palpitations relatively often?

  • Do you yawn frequently, even during the day?

  • Do you frequently have a blocked or a runny nose?

  • Are you short of breath at rest or with mild to moderate activity?

  • Do you often feel chest tightness?

  • Do you have a chronic cough or constantly clear your throat?


What you can expect

The Breathing Assessment is a 60-minute session where you will:

  • have time to discuss your condition and concerns about your breathing and health
  • discover where your breathing sits compared to healthy norms
  • understand how your breathing habits contribute to your symptoms and the steps you can take to address hyperventilation
  • breathe better, have more energy, sleep deeper and be calmer
  • create a next step action plan to gain lasting improvement