
The Breathe Clinic was created by Dina Ceniza as a direct result of fully recovering from asthma by using the Buteyko Method. You can find out more about Dina and the other conditions her family recovered from and why she has been so inspired by Buteyko here.

The buteyko method

The Buteyko Method is a world recognised breathing retraining method developed by Dr. Konstantin Buteyko. It helps restore healthy, natural, functional day to day breathing and addresses breathing volume, breathing rate, rhythm and pattern of breathing. Comfortable nasal, diaphragmatic breathing is restored. The first step is a Breathing Assessment and Personalized Workshop. You will have your breathing assessed, discuss any health conditions or symptoms you are experiencing and learn how breathing retraining can help you alleviate them. You will learn how to get your breathing back to normal, functional breathing through the Breathe Buteyko Course.

Dina has also appeared on The Cafe, to talk about the difference between breathing healthily and unhealthily. Unhealthy breathing conditions include hyperventilation, hayfever, and allergies. See the videos below. (The Cafe is New Zealand’s morning television lifestyle program that airs at 9:00 am weekdays on Three).

The Art of Breathing – why Dina became a Buteyko Breathing Practitioner

Breathing Techniques for a HayFever-Free Spring

Breathing our way to a healthier life


Get in touch

The future of good health awaits, and The Breathe Clinic would love to help you achieve that. Get in touch with us, and Dina can direct you on the best course of action for you. Check out our FAQ page and if you have any further questions you would like answered before booking a Breathing Assessment and Personalised Workshop, then the FREE 15-minute Breathe Insight call is for you.